active galaxy中文什么意思

发音:   用"active galaxy"造句
  • active:    adj. 1.活动的,有活动力的;【 ...
  • galaxy:    n. 1.〔the G-〕 银河;银 ...
  • be active in:    对…很积极; 活跃于; 积极参加; ...
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  1. A small percentage of galaxies called active galaxies emit tremendous amounts of energy
  2. Some active galaxies emit jets and blobs of highly energetic , electrically charged particles
    一些活动星系发出高能的喷射和溅射? ?带电的粒子。
  3. We are not completely sure how an active galaxy is formed and how it generates such a large amount of energy
  4. The milky way is not an active galaxy , but it does have a powerful source of radiation called sagittarius a * at its center
    银河系不是一个活动星系,但它中心也有一个强大的射电源称为“人马座a * ” 。
  5. The double black holes were found in a bright , highly active galaxy known as ngc6240 , about 400 million light - years from the earth
    这对黑洞存在于一个极其活跃明亮的星系中,该星系被命名为ngc6240 ,它距地球约有4亿光年。


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